SAS Workshops offers a variety of workshops tailored to all levels of LabVIEW developers. We also offer custom and private courses.
Beyond NI Training: How to be Successful in LabVIEW
TBD, 2026
FREE! Our most popular course! For those who have completed Core 1 & 2 and aren't quite sure what to do next to level up in their training.
Refactoring Workshop
February 27 & 28, 2025
Our newest offering, Refactoring is an essential skill for maintaining existing code. It's about reorganizing your code to make future changes easier and safer.
CI/CD Workshop
April 10 & 11, 2025
Using CI/CD is easy. Setting it up is not. It can be daunting. It doesn't need to be. Our two day course makes it easy to setup CI/CD. Registration link available soon
DQMH Workshop
August 13 - 15, 2025
SAS Workshops is proud to be a DQMH Trusted Advisor. This workshop will provide you with plenty of opportunities to practice the skills introduced, ask questions and discover for yourself what techniques work well for your particular situation. It will leave you with plenty of confidence using the DQMH in a variety of situations, and it will give you the software engineering skills needed to make good decisions so you can conquer all kinds of challenges.
Unit Testing Intro
Unit Testing
November 2025
This workshop begins with the why of unit testing and its benefits and quickly gets into the how. We’ll learn about all the available tools and the benefits of writing the tests first. We’ll dive into techniques to deal with difficult to test code. Lastly we will talk about how to apply unit testing to popular frameworks like the DQMH and the AF. By the end of the workshop we’ll be comfortable writing and running unit tests for all kinds of LabVIEW code, even code that may initially seem hard to test.
Available Upon Request
This workshop is a 3-hour workshop presented either in-person or over Zoom. The goal is to present Unit Testing to LabVIEW beginners and make it more accessible. We use a very basic LabVIEW Unit Testing Framework that requires no special skill beyond LabVIEW Core 1. We also teach a very simple yet powerful technique called the Humble Object to help test hard to test and legacy code. There are 2 exercises on writing unit tests and 1 exercise on refactoring hard to test legacy code into testable chunks to help you get some hands-on practice.
Ensemble Programming
TBD 2025
This is a session we use to introduce the idea of ensemble programming. Ensemble programming, also known as mobbing, or mob programming is about having multiple people working together on a single computer on the same code at the same time.
Custom Classes & Online Courses
Always Available
We offer two online courses: Getting Started in Software Development (free!) and Getting Started in Git. These have lifetime access and you can learn at your own pace. Need custom training for your team? Do you benefit from 1:1 coaching? SAS Workshops is here to help you grow! Contact us for information on custom training and coaching packages.
Questions about our courses? Would you like more information on the next offering of a workshop? Interested in custom classes? Drop us a line.